Health and Safety Policy

1.    Purpose

1.1. This Policy Statement, together with the accompanying arrangements, codifies Code 9 Security’s approach to managing health, safety, and welfare.

1.2. This Policy Statement is made in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, together with its associated Regulations and Codes of Practice.


2.    Scope

2.1. This Policy applies to all colleagues, contractors, visitors, or any other person conducting activities for and on behalf of Code 9 Security.

2.2. This Policy applies to every location owned, leased, operated, or occupied by Code 9 Security, including client premises where Code 9 Security provide services.


3.    Policy Statement

3.1. Code 9 Security is committed to promoting the health, safety, and welfare of its colleagues, contractors, and workers and takes responsibility for ensuring its working practices comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and its associated Regulations and Codes of Practice.

3.2. This Policy Statement further reflects our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for our wider stakeholders, implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure hazards are identified and risks appropriately managed.

3.3. Through the adoption of this Policy, together with its associated procedures and arrangements, Code 9 Security will create a positive health and safety culture, and entrench high standards of health, safety, and welfare.


4.    Our Commitments

4.1. We are committed to the proper and responsible management of health, safety, and welfare risks which may affect our colleagues, contractors, clients and wider stakeholders.

4.2. We are committed to reducing accidents and occupational ill-health while promoting physical and mental well-being through our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and related initiatives.

4.3. We are committed to eliminating risk wherever possible, reducing risk in our work environments, and equipping our colleagues with suitable personal protective equipment where risks cannot otherwise be avoided.

4.4. We are committed to maintaining safe and healthy working conditions for our colleagues, taking into account their physical and mental well-being.

4.5. We are committed to delivering high-quality training to ensure that all our colleagues have the required knowledge, skill and confidence to discharge their duties competently.

4.6. We are committed to the regular and routine review of our Safety Management System, its associated policies, procedures and arrangements, and will review this Policy Statement annually.


5.    2024 – 2025 Objectives

5.1. We will ensure our health, safety, and welfare arrangements, practices and control measures identify, eliminate where possible, and control risk and our exposure to the same. This will be achieved through:

5.1.1.   the continued development of our Safety Management System and adopting the latest thinking and best practices to manage risk.

5.1.2.   continuing to provide quality training for all our colleagues on health and safety, and giving colleagues the knowledge, confidence and tools to actively contribute to our overall health and safety endeavours.

5.1.3.   continuing to invest in health, safety, and welfare.

5.2. We will maintain our excellent health and safety record. This will be achieved through:

5.2.1.   facilitating active involvement for all of our colleagues in our health and safety endeavours, establishing safety committees and working collaboratively with them, and the trade union, on health and safety matters.

5.2.2.   the adherence to our Safety Management System, the latest thinking and best practices and embracing the ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act and Evaluate’ methodology.

5.2.3.   improved engagement with our stakeholders to align our health and safety objectives and work collaboratively with them to promote a positive health and safety culture and improve risk management.

5.3. We will create a positive health and safety culture that distinguishes us from our peers, clearly demonstrating our commitment to safer and healthier ways of working and reaffirming Code 9 Security as a great organisation for which to work. This will be achieved through:

5.3.1.   increasing involvement and participation in our health and safety endeavours and the continued development of our Safety Management Systems, the associated policies, procedures, processes, and arrangements.

5.3.2.   facilitating greater access to quality training and knowledge transfer opportunities, including through recognised qualifications, continuing professional development, and mentoring initiatives.

5.3.3.   rewarding active participation in our wider health and safety endeavours.

5.4. We will work towards external recognition of our Safety Management System. 


6.    Implementation, maintenance, and review

6.1. The Chief Executive Officer accepts overall responsibility for health, safety and welfare, and commits to make appropriate provisions for creating, maintaining, and furthering a safe and healthy workplace per the commitments set out in this Policy.

6.2. The Board of Directors accepts their delegated responsibility for health, safety, and welfare within their defined roles and responsibilities and undertake to support the Chief Executive Officer in the delivery of the overall health and safety endeavours of the Company and in the achievement of our stated aims.

6.3. Managing and Supervising Officers, in concert with other senior colleagues, accept their delegated responsibility and accountability for health, safety, and welfare within their defined roles and responsibilities and undertake to support the Company’s overall health, safety, and welfare endeavours and the achievement of our stated aims, leading by example.

6.4. All colleagues accept their responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those affected by the proper discharge of their duties. Further, colleagues accept and undertake to actively contribute to furthering our health and safety endeavours and the realisation of our stated aims.

6.5. This Policy was approved on 05 April 2024 and shall be reviewed annually.